Python Read List of Dictionaries From File

Search a List of Dictionaries in Python

  1. Use the next() Office to Search a List of Dictionaries in Python
  2. Search a Listing of Dictionaries With the filter() Function in Python
  3. Use List Comprehension to Search a List of Dictionaries in Python

This tutorial will introduce the methods you can use to search a listing of dictionaries in Python.

Use the next() Function to Search a List of Dictionaries in Python

The next() function can be utilized to provide the result as the adjacent item in the given iterator. This method besides requires the apply of the for loop to test the process against all the conditions.

The following code uses the side by side() office to search a listing of dictionaries in Python.

              lstdict = [         { "proper name": "Klaus", "age": 32 },         { "name": "Elijah", "age": 33 },         { "proper name": "Kol", "age": 28 },         { "name": "Stefan", "age": 8 }        ] print(side by side(ten for ten in lstdict if 10["name"] == "Klaus")) print(next(x for x in lstdict if x["proper name"] == "David"))                          


              {'name': 'Klaus', 'historic period': 32} Traceback (about recent call terminal):   File "<string>", line viii, in <module> StopIteration                          

This method is successfully implemented when we search for a name that already exists in the list of dictionaries. Yet, it gives a StopIteration error when a name that doesn't exist in the list of dictionaries is searched.

However, this problem can exist easily treated in the lawmaking in a higher place. You lot simply tweak and provide a default with the use of a slightly dissimilar API.

              lstdict = [         { "name": "Klaus", "age": 32 },         { "name": "Elijah", "historic period": 33 },         { "name": "Kol", "age": 28 },         { "name": "Stefan", "age": eight }        ] print(side by side((x for x in lstdict if x["name"] == "David"), None))                          



Rather than finding the item itself, we can also observe the item's index in a List of Dictionaries. To implement this, we can use the enumerate() function.

The post-obit code uses the next() part and the enumerate() role to search and find the item's alphabetize.

              lstdict = [         { "proper noun": "Klaus", "age": 32 },         { "proper noun": "Elijah", "historic period": 33 },         { "proper noun": "Kol", "historic period": 28 },         { "proper noun": "Stefan", "age": 8 }        ] print(adjacent((i for i, x in enumerate(lstdict) if x["proper name"] == "Kol"), None))                          



Search a List of Dictionaries With the filter() Function in Python

The filter(role, sequence) function is used to compare the sequence with the function in Python. It checks each chemical element in the sequence to exist truthful or not according to the role. We can easily search a list of dictionaries for an item past using the filter() part with a lambda function. In Python3, the filter() function returns an object of the filter class. We tin can convert that object into a list with the listing() role.

The following code instance shows us how we can search a list of dictionaries for a specific element with the filter() and lambda functions.

              listOfDicts = [      { "name": "Tommy", "age": 20 },      { "proper name": "Markus", "age": 25 },      { "name": "Pamela", "age": 27 },      { "name": "Richard", "age": 22 } ] list(filter(lambda detail: item['name'] == 'Richard', listOfDicts))                          


              [{'age': 22, 'name': 'Richard'}]                          

We searched the listing of dictionaries for the element where the proper noun key is equal to Richard by using the filter() function with a lambda role. Outset, nosotros initialized our list of dictionaries, listOfDicts, and used the filter() office to search the values that lucifer the lambda part lambda item: item['proper noun'] == 'Richard' in it. Finally, we used the list() function to convert the results into a listing.

Employ List Comprehension to Search a List of Dictionaries in Python

List comprehension is a relatively shorter and very graceful fashion to create lists that are to be formed based on the given values of an already existing list.

We tin can use list comprehension to return a listing that produces the results of the search of the list of dictionaries in Python.

The following code uses list comprehension to search a listing of dictionaries in Python.

              lstdict = [         { "name": "Klaus", "historic period": 32 },         { "proper name": "Elijah", "age": 33 },         { "name": "Kol", "age": 28 },         { "proper noun": "Stefan", "age": 8 }        ]  print([x for x in lstdict if 10['proper name'] == 'Klaus'][0])                          


              {'name': 'Klaus', 'age': 32}                          

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